Monday, April 26, 2010


Hello everyone,
We are deeply disappointed that Hannah can no longer receive the immunotherapy. She had more allergic reactions during the 2nd round of treatments and the doctors here, after much discussion, have decided it is simply too unsafe for her to continue. These reactions can potentially cause blocking of the airways which can be very dangerous. We are shocked by this developement as we truly believed they would find a way around the reactions she had during the 1st round of treatment. They tried 4 different antihistamines and steroids but even these could not stop Hannah's body rejecting the antibodies. Unfortunately there is a small group of children this happens to and no solution to this problem has yet been found.

Once again we would like to thank the many people who have been so helpful to us. We were (and still are) really enjoying being in Philadelphia and were very much looking forward to the coming months here. In a very short time we have made many good friends who we will miss.

We will continue to update the blog to let you know how Hannah is doing.